Letter to Odysseus Dear Great Odysseus, I am your parole Telemachus. You were off at the Trojan War when I was on the nose a baby. I am writing this letter hoping that you argon dormant alive. Here in Ithaca things are not handout good. Penelope, my lovely mother, has been plagued by the suitors. The suitors crap taken over our house. They have stayed here too long and need to leave, but they refuse. distributively of them is trying to marry Penelope too. I know audition this intelligence will make you very angry if you fool this letter. I had heard that there was a chance that you were still alive, so I decided to journey. Before I leftfield on my journey I had a meeting with the town.
In the meeting Antinous and Eurymachus both refused to support my trip to find news of you. Those two are leading the suitors in the plague of our home. I hate them with a passion. When the next day came I round my men up and we set sail to King genus Nestors rook without Penelope knowing I had gone. When I talked with King Nestor of y...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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